
Warwick 2023-24

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team dry rsp wet rsp rope throw rsp manikin rsp swim tow rsp totalPoints place
Loughborough D (5) 1149 (1) 2000 (1) 1000 (4) 791 (4) 775 5714 1
Loughborough C (3) 1609 (11) 976 (4) 600 (1) 1000 (2) 992 5177 2
Warwick B (1) 2000 (5) 1213 (4) 600 (8) 514 (8) 684 5010 3
Loughborough B (14) 689 (8) 1021 (2) 926 (2) 876 (1) 1000 4513 4
Birmingham C (2) 1614 (6) 1089 (14) 275 (12) 457 (10) 671 4105 5
Bristol B (6) 1100 (3) 1404 (17) 100 (7) 561 (7) 687 3851 6
Birmingham D (7) 968 (2) 1865 (17) 100 (14) 361 (13) 554 3848 7
Nottingham B (10) 887 (12) 965 (4) 600 (6) 617 (5) 722 3791 8
Birmingham E (4) 1442 (10) 999 (4) 600 (16) 287 (17) 405 3733 9
Southampton B (15) 650 (6) 1089 (4) 600 (15) 348 (11) 663 3350 10
Loughborough F (16) 577 (19) 448 (4) 600 (3) 835 (3) 846 3306 11
Southampton C (8) 934 (8) 1021 (4) 600 (18) 247 (14) 503 3305 12
Loughborough E (17) 538 (17) 560 (4) 600 (5) 781 (6) 694 3172 13
Bristol C (18) 391 (4) 1381 (4) 600 (10) 510 (21) 0 2882 14
Sheffield B (9) 895 (20) 200 (4) 600 (13) 431 (9) 680 2806 15
Warwick C (12) 772 (12) 965 (14) 275 (19) 133 (18) 378 2523 16
Nottingham C (11) 841 (14) 864 (17) 100 (21) 0 (15) 478 2282 17
Warwick E (13) 704 (16) 695 (17) 100 (17) 262 (19) 204 1965 18
Birmingham B (21) 0 (21) 0 (3) 850 (9) 511 (12) 573 1934 19
Warwick D (20) 200 (15) 718 (21) 0 (11) 488 (16) 473 1878 20
Bristol D (19) 327 (18) 493 (14) 275 (20) 100 (20) 100 1295 21
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